CEM Archives | IZO

Impactful transformation
of your customer and
employee experience.

We measure, design and transform experiences
to impact on your business results.

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Who we

We are experts in Customer Experience Design and Transformation, helping companies connect customers and employees with their brand, products and interactions.

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eXperience CanvasTM

Customer Experience strategies are applied in different aspects of the relationship between people and organizations. We have experience in implementing these strategies in all aspects of the application:

We were pioneers in implementing Customer Experience Strategies throughout Spain, Portugal and South America. Our passion and dedication drives our constant innovation, making us leaders in Experience Design. Our eXperience CanvasTMTM is an IZO proprietary model that structures all the different tools and methodologies needed to manage and transform Customer Experience across all types of organizations.


IZO Insights

Accede a contenidos especializados en Experiencia de Cliente y Experiencia de Empleado para conocer las principales tendencias y mejores prácticas que aplicar a tu organización.

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Experience Strategy

Incorpora el conjunto de herramientas y actividades que las organizaciones requieren para diseñar y gestionar la Experiencia de Cliente como una estrategia organizacional

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Experience Analysis

Incluye las herramientas y metodologías que las compañías pueden utilizar para comprender la experiencia de sus clientes.

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Experience Design

Permite a las organizaciones generar elementos de conexión emocional en las tres dimensiones de la experiencia (Marca, Producto e Interacción)

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Experience Transformation

Incorpora la combinación de soluciones y tecnologías para generar un impacto real en la compañía

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Employee Experience

En la base del modelo está la generación de una cultura de experiencia a través de la construcción de vínculos emocionales con los colaboradores

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We have +20.000 downloadable resources for you

Summary Report BCX T1 2020: Impact of COVID-19 (Document in Spanish)

Thursday May 7th, 2020


Ranking BCX+NPS T1 2019 Iberoamérica

Tuesday June 18th, 2019


Rankings BCX 4T 2016

Wednesday February 1st, 2017


IZO Smiles

Beyond Experience

Our loyalty programs rewards IZO Customers who prove to be the biggest Customer Experience fans!Earn smiles and enjoy the exclusive benefits of being part of this community.

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