When the doors of the plane close and we hear the voice of the flight crew member telling us “Welcome aboard”, we feel at ease because we know that the airline has carefully reviewed its checklist, which includes, in addition to security issues, logistics and details that show prior preparation and that will make the flight a pleasant experience.

The new employees of our companies want to feel that same sense of preparation and welcome, and that is why onboarding has become one of the most important challenges for companies that seek to improve the experience in interactions that, like the arrival and the first few days, are very relevant; and although the experience may vary when we talk about face-to-face and/or virtual environments, onboarding as such is the employee's first real step in the company and This is where all the expectations we generate in the selection and incorporation processes of applicants will be put to the test..
Now yes, Onboarding is the strategy to receive and welcome new employees properly in order to help them adapt quickly to their new work environment, to understand their role and responsibilities, but also to become familiar with the company culture and establish relationships with their colleagues and leaders.
Not all companies have a clear and defined strategy for welcoming their new employees, however today it is key to ensuring adherence to the new company culture, long-term commitment and accelerating productivity.
With the pandemic and the adoption of remote work, it's important to talk about how onboarding should be adapted to this new virtual environment. Now, regardless of the mode of work, we have a key opportunity to ensure that Onboarding not only meets the expectations of the new collaborator, but also becomes a Wow experience that goes beyond expectations.
A clear onboarding strategy for new post-pandemic collaborators must take into account many details; however, I try to summarize in five tips, what you should keep in mind to make your new collaborators fall in love with you right from the start.
It begins long before the arrival of the new collaborator with the design of a solid plan that includes activities for collaborators in both modalities.
Make sure that logistical needs are covered with tools and resources such as forms, technology manuals, software and equipment with necessary access keys and permissions. If you are remote, provide documentation with information about culture, policies, procedures.
Keep regular, clear and detailed communication before your arrival with data on date, addresses and time and start of work. Remember that employees from other cities or countries require more support to adapt to their new environment.
Send a personalized welcome message before your first day.
Welcome aboard (day zero).
Welcome the new employee, introduce them to the team and other key members of the company.
Details on the desk, such as a handwritten note or the welcome kit that some companies usually deliver, can come in handy.
You could invite him for coffee and talk about an overview of the company and its culture.
If you are in virtual mode, send the important materials for your role and the coffee or your favorite drink to your home, so that in a virtual session they can connect and start the conversation.
Name an experienced Buddy or Support Mentor partner to guide the collaborator during their first few weeks so that they feel more comfortable, close and able to answer questions in the process. This support is very positive for those who are remote, as it will make them not feel isolated.
In the same way, if possible, schedule a special appointment so that you have the opportunity to visit the facilities in person.
To form
Create a structured training plan that contains the specific performance of your role and the general understanding of the company.
It provides comprehensive training on the basic tools and technology for the role (software, communication platforms, management systems, etc.) It also includes guidance on specific responsibilities, policies, and internal processes.
Dedicate a little time to explain the mission, values, identity and culture of the company, this helps the employee to understand the philosophy and identify how, with their role and their particular objectives, they contribute to corporate objectives.
It encourages employee interaction with their new colleagues and supervisors with face-to-face or online social activities such as lunches or virtual games to connect with their office colleagues and to build closer relationships that facilitate teamwork and collaboration.
Regular meetings with the entire team in person or online also encourage communication and collaboration among members.
Create an online resource platform to access materials, frequently asked questions that facilitate their incorporation and continuous development.
Ongoing support helps the new employee to continue to integrate effectively and that regardless of their location, they feel valued, respected and included in the new team.
Design a constant monitoring and feedback process that allows you to receive feedback from the new collaborator and make the necessary adjustments and learn about areas for improvement so that both can share their impressions and needs in the process.
At the end of the complete process, evaluate, identify what worked well and in what aspects you will need to make adjustments to improve the experience of future collaborators.
The communication
From the selection processes, you must already be clear about the expectations of new collaborators, which is why a open, close, permanent and simple communication strategy should accompany each stage of onborading in such a way that, in addition to meeting communication needs, feedback is promoted and the inclusion of new employees in the company's culture is facilitated.
A good communication strategy not only permeates, but also facilitates the fulfillment of all business strategies from the beginning of the employment relationship, until after the end of the employment relationship.
Finally, remember that the key to success in an onboarding process regardless of the environment is the possibility of adaptation and empathy towards the individual expectations and needs of new employees, because remember that not everyone is the same.