Just because a person always buys in the same place does not mean that they are a loyal customer to the brand. It is simply recurring for several reasons: proximity, price or product, among others.
There's a big difference between a returning customer and a loyal customer. The main one of them is that the frequent clientele is those who buy at a store or a brand many times, while loyalty occurs when people are willing to refuse a better product or a cheaper price to continue with the same brand.
Loyal customers don't even bother researching the competition or considering other options. Loyalty isn't easy to earn; frequent clientele, yes. All they need are more discounts, more promotions and benefits like that. These incentives became the backbone of most fashion companies today. It is the closest thing to an addiction (in both senses: for the customer and for the brand) where the next thing is not to detoxify but to find the next dose as quickly and as often as possible.
But before talking about the rest of the differences between recurrent and faithful, let's get to know each customer a little better.
Recurring Customer
A returning, or frequent, customer is a pleased customer who Go to do your shopping more often and at short intervals of time. It is the one who is satisfied with the products and services offered by a company, which meets their needs and adapts to their lifestyle. The regular customer may be the girl who buys her breakfast every morning in the same cafeteria on the way to work or the man who visits the home health service twice a week for treatment.
However, the fact that a person always buys on the same site, and that they like the product, does not make them a loyal customer. A customer can be a repeat customer for multiple reasons: perhaps, they have no choice, because that supplier is the most comfortable for them, because they are the cheapest or because they consider them to be the most competent, among others. That is, he repeats out of a reasoned interest. But that doesn't guarantee that as soon as I find that interest better elsewhere, I won't leave that mark.
What a company must achieve is that all, or most, of its returning customers become loyal customers.
Loyal Customer
As we have just mentioned, the objective of any business must be to attract and maintain profitable customers over time, with the objective of maximizing the company's profit. To do this, you must have as many loyal customers as possible, who they will choose your brand over the others.
El Loyal customer guarantees the profitability of a company and collaborate spontaneously in the positive and free promotion of your product or service, because, when you feel satisfied, you share the quality experience with other people close to it.
To get customers to become loyal, companies must Work on customer retention, which is nothing more than making a buyer return within a certain time, through loyalty programs and making the product attractive compared to that of the competition.
How to Convert a Recurring Customer into a Loyal Customer?
To get out of this circle where short-termism is destroying the business and getting more and more loyal customers, it is necessary reconnect with customers in a profound way, understand who they are, what they want and build a brand narrative that truly connects with their interests. Here are some of the most common strategies used to build customer loyalty:
1. Use the surprise factor
The surprise factor will help a lot at the beginning of the relationship with the customer. Without it, the customer won't see the difference between the brand and the competition. The company must offer them something new and different that will surprise them. Examples of surprise factors include details in the order, thank you notes, or a small gift. A simple gesture will make all the difference.
2. Know your customers
When it comes to attracting and retaining customers, the sales department must be taken into account: they know what all customers are called, how to deal with them, what their needs are... They can give the key to how to provide value to customers through recommendations, content or training.
3. Use a close and familiar tone
To achieve customer loyalty, a sense of familiarity must be generated. It's important to use a close tone when communicating with your customers, whatever the channel. The company must be accessible and promote two-way communication, in which customers can also talk to it and receive personalized and close answers.
4. Anticipate setbacks
It's impossible to never fail. Sometimes companies make mistakes, it's human to make mistakes because of what customers understand. What they don't forgive is the way in which these incidents are managed. Companies must anticipate complaints, follow up on the problem and put themselves in the customer's position. A good after-sales service will help build the loyalty of those who have already purchased.
5. Offer the best product and the best experience
Customer loyalty is not achieved simply by exchanging products and money. For them to return, it is necessary to offer them an experience that will remain in your memory and worth living again. The combination of a good product and a good experience that accompanies it creates the loyalty of returning customers, who will be the best ambassadors of the brand.
In short, it's not easy to build customer loyalty, requires dedication, time and a lot of creativity, but it's worth the effort for the success to be achieved.
Would you like us to help you to turn your customers into loyal followers of your brand? Do not hesitate to write to us through this form and we will be happy to get it with you.