Connecting the customer experience with the employee experience is the challenge that many companies are working on today, which, concerned with solving problems with their customers, found that it is not so easy to achieve the commitment of those who probably also have unresolved expectations and needs of their current moment of life; and it appears in the equation, the Collaborator.
Now, it is clear that if we talk about the business world, it is absolutely understandable that Let's start from a purely commercial perspective in which profitable exchange prevails and in which the numerical figure takes on a lot of value.
My challenge today is to propose to you, as a passionate about experience, convinced of the emotional burden of the interactions that we constantly share with customers and collaborators, that you immerse yourself in the data and take a deep look, because behind the numbers are the emotions, expectations, needs and motivations of both customers and employees.
The customer experience gives us enough light to understand the impact that employees have on the perception and satisfaction of their needs. That is to say, of their experience depends on the experience they deliver to customers.
They could not then be separated because both (CX/EX) provide sufficient information on the path to achieving business success and the long-awaited customer loyalty (CX); on the other hand, how to achieve talent retention, increase commitment, seek work-life balance and enhance employee leadership (EX).
The key word is to connect, because it turns out to be very interesting to relate the results obtained in the customer experience to the causes that could lead our employees to deliver experiences that are different from those they live in the company.
We could not demand empathy, support, immediate solution, effective communication with the client; If we don't have a Collaborator Experience strategy inside us that allows us to empathize with the moment in life that employees are going through and expect them to deliver to the customer, something that is not part of their daily lives; for example.
To connect the employee experience with the customer experience consider the development of a strategy aimed at promoting:
Business culture
Promote a strategy that prioritizes the needs of customers and collaborators, in which memorable experiences are generated for employees and that will surely result in the delivery of exceptional services to customers.
A culture that includes open channels of close communication for front employees and their leaders to work together to develop opportunities for continuous improvement and achievement of objectives. Remember that the employees who are at the front are the ones who have a direct relationship with the customers.
A culture that delivers and encourages empathy generates commitment to the customer and to the improvement of everyday interactions.
Orchestrate leadership by example
The leader is responsible for materializing the customer strategy with their teams, It is the link between strategy and operation therefore, leading by example is vital for achieving the corporate and personal objectives of each employee.
You will need to work on the soft skills development that allow him, through close communication and active listening with his teams, to link the teams freely and spontaneously, with the company's strategy.
Needs and Expectations
Define, in a regular and consistent manner, changes in the needs and expectations of both customers and collaborators and the impact generated by market trends.
Connecting the customer's pain identified in the journey, with possible root causes typified in the employee's journey, the solution will come to the surface.
Include the redesign of interactions to reduce customer and employee friction with the company, including emotions. The emotional burden of the interactions we share with clients and collaborators will make us worthy of being remembered or not. Remember to reduce effort and increase Wow moments in both dimensions.
Provide employees (with responsibility) with tools, systems and differential resources that allow them provide first-contact and real-time solutions to customer situations which can be solved easily.
This generates a sense of belonging, gratitude and commitment to the company. The employee will feel that they are part of the solution, increase self-confidence, promote decision-making and the customer experience will be positively impacted.
Commitment and motivation
Committed employees strive to meet the needs of customers and motivation is reflected in the good attitude that shows a friendly face, willing to efficiently help with any requirement of customers and also collaborators.
Recognizing the different areas and their participation in building experiences for clients and collaborators, promotes cohesion between employees and permeates a healthy and positive work environment in which everyone participates and generates ideas to improve the work environment.
Technological aids to improve feedback
Implementation of technological solutions that facilitate the capture of the voice of customers and collaborators in real time, making it possible to identify root causes and provide alternative solutions to design Close The Loop strategies to avoid incidents.
Recognition and rewards
Recognition for achievement is increasingly important for employees because Increase your motivation and the desire to achieve new challenges. Consistent and positive feedback programs improve performance and contribute to the pursuit of excellence.
By implementing these strategies in a coherent, organized and systematic way, we efficiently connect both experiences (CX and EX), the results will be evident in customer satisfaction and loyalty and greater employee commitment and retention, with process agility and continuous improvement.
In addition, relating these two dimensions of experience will achieve that differentiating effect that could become a competitive advantage for the company. Let's connect these two very important visions of the business and talk about Experience Management, a strategy that gives meaning to the connection between CX and EX.