Ana Fuentes | Consultora de Experiencia del Cliente y Empleado en Izo España
February 13, 2024
In recent times we are witnessing events that, for better or worse, are considered “historic” and represent a paradigm shift in the way of thinking of a large number of people. The new mental model that the pandemic has brought to the table has now been confirmed by the fear of a third World War, a rise in gas and gas prices, and other problems that the news only brings to light.
Because of all this series of events, many people are questioning the way of life they have been immersed in for years. Aspects are raised such as why they work in a company, for what and under what conditions they do it. When the response they get doesn't satisfy them, they are less and less reluctant to leave the company and try their luck in other areas. Some people call it “reinventing”, something that is becoming more and more fashionable every day.
On the other hand, companies are becoming more aware that to overcome any challenge, effectively develop their objectives and even endure in the face of vicissitudes, the attitude and commitment adopted by their teams is vital.
As a result of these changes, a large number of organizations are noticing what is known as the “Talent War”, the challenge faced by professionals in human resources departments in the face of a shortage of real talent, especially in sectors where a higher level of technical specialization is required.
To maintain the organization's internal talent and attract new profiles, it is necessary to take care of the employees' journey within the company and to place people as the nerve center of any decision.
According to Gartner, “75% of company leaders believed that they relied on the opinion of their employees in decision-making, but only 47% of employees agreed with that statement.”
But how do we make our employees feel an important part of the company's future?
To preserve the quality of life and take into account the voice of the company's employees, it is essential that The Human Resources department evolves from what it has always been, get involved and acquire the necessary tools to take care of the experience of everyone in the company.
This for us requires a big change of Mindset and of the functions that they had usually been carrying out, even deserving to give them a new name, now going on to call them “Department of People”.
They are responsible for giving greater visibility to people from different teams, for gathering their opinion and voices to make important decisions and design work processes in the organization. They are also responsible for providing this information to leaders and helping them with what they need to manage their own teams.
They should also follow up on the measures that are implemented. The People area will be responsible for asking each leader such basic and fundamental questions as: Do you really take into account the opinion of your employees? How often do you ask them? Do you take action based on their answers?
Another essential task in your work will be Put the focus on the Employee Experience o Experience of your employees.
That is to say, strive to create a powerful employer brand, that offers an attractive and pleasant work space, capable of attracting new profiles and retaining those who are already on the team. They will achieve this by taking care of every moment they live with the company, before, during and even after their relationship ends.
On the one hand, they must ensure that they have the right tools to carry out their work, that compensation is in tune with the market, and similar aspects.
On the other hand, they should strive to discover other issues of great relevance to colleagues, such as internal communication, team-building activities, available training options, possibilities for growth within the company... And also other aspects that are not so obvious, such as what happens when an employee has a problem with their devices, or on their birthday, or when they ask for help, or when one of their colleagues leaves.
We spend most of our daily lives within the company and direct our energies to achieving the objectives set for us by the company. This is why it is so important to make the effort to generate a culture aligned among all the people who make up the company and in accordance with the principles and objectives that are set at the beginning of each year.
Another of the tasks that the personnel department must keep in mind will be the Mental health care of the workforce. We are entering a phase in which this topic has ceased to be a taboo, even in the workplace, and now the wellness has become one of the key aspects to pay attention to.
It will become more and more important design plans and strategies aimed at improving aspects that influence the psychological well-being of employees, such as information dissemination programs, activities to disconnect, Mindfulness, constant support from managers to people in critical situations, and to generate a culture that cares for mental health in general.
It should also be borne in mind that due to changes in demand and new ways of living, they are being created new jobs within organizations. Opportunities for Reskilling (training to recycle them in a new position) and Upskilling (training to optimize their performance), will be essential for members of the company who want to change roles and learn skills, which allow them to face new challenges, taking advantage of talent.
El Teleworking it is also an aspect that is becoming more important, but few companies will know how to manage it properly. Once again, having the opinion of our employees will help us to develop a model that satisfies the greatest number of people, thus making it easier for them to continue with the company. In turn, adopting KPIs and management metrics that adequately measure performance will be key to evaluating your performance. Because we already know that what cannot be measured, cannot be improved.
In conclusion, organizations in all sectors are now more than ever faced with an extremely changing environment, in which we are all on alert. Keeping this in mind and providing strong support to the Department of People, responsible for caring for the employee experience, will be essential for build loyalty and link up with all people that belong to the company.
If you work in HR and need us to help you with your Employee Experience strategy, do not hesitate to write to us without obligation through this link and we'll be happy to help.