We are currently beginning to become aware of the importance of having measurement indicators that guide us during the employee's journey and in the employee's relational experience with the organization. Based on this, the eNPS or Employee Net Promoter Score.
What is the eNPS or Employee Net Promoter Score?
This is a indicator that measures employee loyalty with an intentional recommendation question, it is a variable of engagement that the employee has with the organization.
This indicator is obtained by asking the employee the following question:”How likely are you to recommend [MARCA] to a friend or family member as a good place to work?” Its measurement scale ranges from 0 to 10 and the result is distributed in 3 large groups:
- Promoters: Collaborators who have rated the organization 9 or 10.
- Neutrals: Collaborators who have rated 7 or 8, which means that they would not recommend the organization.
- Detractors: all those employees who score below 6 are employees who are not connected to the organization and who may even make a bad recommendation of the company.
If the result shows that you have many or few detractors and neutrals, you must work to mobilize and connect them, you must do that by identifying their Driver and needs at the different contact points of the Employee Journey, by focusing on this you can turn them into promoters who consider and recommend your organization as a good place to work.
How is eNPS Calculated?
The formula is obtained by subtracting the% of promoters from the% of detractors. An example could be:
70% promoters, 10% neutral and 20% detractors
The applied formula would be:
70% (promoters) — 20% (detractors) = eNPS 50%

It is interesting to include a question that indicates the reasons for the assessment. This way you can have additional guidance on the root cause of being a promoter, neutral or detractor, so that your actions can focus on working on those causes.
What Types of eNPs Are There?
Digging a little deeper into the indicator, the eNPS has 3 types of classifications depending on the scope or intention you want to have with the measurement:
1. Relational: It is the global measure of the joint relationship with the company. The survey is not launched as a result of any interaction with the collaborator.
2. Transactional: It is used to collect feedback from the collaborator about what specifically happens in some interactions of the Employee Journey, such as the Onboarding, performance, etc.
3. Benchmark: Used to understand performance and strategic positioning in the market from a market perspective.
All three can be used on a regular basis in the organization and can be very useful for building a Employee Voice (VoE) model.
Benefits of eNPS
- Fast to calculate.
- It does not require long and complex questionnaires.
- High participation.
- Because the question is short and direct, it is usually answered by a larger number of collaborators.
- Easy Interpretation.
- The result identifies the recommendation percentage and with this you can see how many employees may be unhappy with the organization and highly connected to it.
How to waste eNPS
- Periodicity: measure the ENPS only 1 or 2 times a year, or only use it as a relational indicator of experience.
- Reading the indicator: be left alone with the progress of the indicator's history, leaving aside the depth of the measurement, breaking down the promoters, neutrals and detractors.
This indicator is very valuable for managing the employee experience, so take advantage of it and don't minimize it to annual use. Make it part of your regular transactional and relational measurement, identifying reasons for your assessment, so you can direct your actions and know the impact they are having on your collaborator's recommendation.