Before delving into the uses and potential of the Blueprint in an organization, let's start by explaining what this service consists of. Blueprint is a technique that allows us to have a double vision of the experience lived in the Customer Journey on the part of the customer and, on the other hand, the visible and invisible part of the actions carried out by the company by the different actors throughout the interactions.

What are the Blueprint Stages?
1. Interaction Points
At this stage it is necessary to Include all Touchpoints of customers with the brand. They are all those elements from which people begin to make an impression of a brand. So all the elements that the customer perceives of a brand (tangible or intangible).
Some of the examples of these points of interaction they could be of multiple types: image of the company on social networks, the company's own website, the first physical contact with the product, a contact with a worker and so on. All of these small interactions are like the foundations of a house. If they are built in a solid way, this will help to create a reputation and a very positive image In the Customer's mind.
2. Visible part
Here we can give several examples so that it can be understood in a very simple way how it is applied in the Blueprint. We're going to use a restaurant as a model for the visible part. Here is everything the customer can Perceive with all your senses. The attention of the workers, the smell of the establishment, the cleanliness of the establishment, etc. Every aspect at this point must be located in the Journey from the customer to know all the gears that form the chain. And as we already know, the strength of a chain is measured by its weakest link.
3. Invisible part
Here come into play the other actors that form the entire experience that affect, in this case, of indirect form to the user's perfection. Following the example of the restaurant, the chefs and the work they do in the kitchen are not directly perceived. The customer only sees the final result, which is their plate served in front of them, but not all the work behind that simple moment.
The quality of the raw materials that have had to be selected by someone responsible, the maintenance of the product, the revision of all the kitchen utensils are ready for optimal work. Every little aspect has been (or should have been) reviewed for a Maximum enjoyment of the diner.
4. Support
This is where all the processes, systems and communications of support for the different areas we mentioned above.
The blueprint helps us to obtain information on whether the processes are prototypes and to be able to react quickly and solve any problem in any situation. Often when we solve a problem very quickly and effectively, we give that sense of professionalism that makes reinforce the customer's perception of our business.
What Information Can We Get with the Blueprint?
First of all, we can observe the both external and internal risks for the company. Let's imagine that we are going to take our car to the workshop and there is a risk that my car will break down on the way. Or that if you leave it parked on the street, because the garage's internal parking lot is full, it could be. Risks are detected and a system is created to prevent them and, if they occur, an action protocol is created to minimize the consequences.
This type of information can pose a risk of losing a customer. This is where we can find the different pain points that customers suffer. If, for example, a person leaves their car in the workshop, how do they get back home? Do you have to ask a friend to accompany you to leave the car? Do you have to pay for a taxi? What if they take a long time to be serviced by the mechanic?
All of these issues must be identified as soon as possible to effectively provide a solution to the customer. On the other hand, the Moments of Truth are also usually detected with this type of action.

How to Surprise Your Customer?
Starting from the previous example where there are certain moments where a customer may experience moments of pain, you can use them to surprise them in a unique way. How? Following the example above, a taxi service at the expense of the workshop so that the user can return home without problems, would be a wow moment worth remembering.
If it is a fault that is going to take a short time, the workshop can get an agreement with nearby restaurants or bars to invite customers to a drink. In this way, waiting becomes more convenient and the customer only has to pay the repair bill, having behind him a very positive experience without additional sewing.