As Dr. Karl Albercht says, it is”The moment of truth is a situation in which the customer gets in touch with any aspect of the organization and gets an impression about the quality of the service.”. This definition is sufficient to broadly understand this concept, but we must go much further.
A moment of truth is not just points of contact with companies, it involves something deeper: an emotional impact on customers. These are those critical moments in any person's interaction in a company that can improve or worsen their experience. This leads to the improvement or worsening of the perception one has of a brand. Expectations play a fundamental role here, since they depend to a large extent on whether a person feels disappointed or surprised when coming into contact with brands.
According to the modern psychology, those moments with a positive emotional charge will cause that memory to remain in the brain for longer. When there is an emotional charge, exactly the same thing happens; the difference is that our mind stores that information so we don't experience that action again. Companies need to send that message of “this is good for you” to our brain so that it wants to repeat that comforting experience.

Why Are Moments of Truth So Important?
As we mentioned before, this concept is key to understanding the behavior of our customers throughout the entire buying cycle of our product or service. All interactions, whether physical or digitally, are observable and therefore measurable.
Moments of truth are like all the ingredients and flavors contained in a cooking recipe. Not all ingredients weigh in the same way in the whole dish. Some for a very small amount have a great effect on the final flavor, such as salt or spices. If we stop by or run out of salt, it is very likely that it will completely ruin that diner's experience. On the other hand, perhaps other ingredients, such as some vegetables, are not as important in the final flavor if we sin in quantity.
If you give customers savory dishes in your restaurant, the NPS it will plummet and will cause you not only to lose those customers abruptly, but they will become detractors of the brand, multiplying the negative effect. Controlling the situation at those key moments with a high emotional burden is vital to achieving great long-term results.
How Are Moments of Truth Measured?
One of the main indicators for knowing in a very visual way all the moments of truth about a customer is the Customer Journey. Thanks to this method, we can identify, with the help of the customer, all those moments of greatest importance to them in which companies cannot fail. If they do, it is very likely that they will not only lose a sale, but a customer.
The way to quantify customer reviews is thanks to Customer Voice Programs, which allow us to know in detail the most valuable insights. Many companies measure the voice of the customer for months and then take steps to correct errors. The ideal is to know the opinion of the customers In real time to be able to immediately address any conflict in the user experience.

Examples of Moments of Truth
Telephone complaints
Perhaps it's one of the best opportunities to gain customer loyalty. When a customer has decided to take action over the phone with our company, we must know how to manage this moment well. The problem must be solved as soon as possible and with a shale and personalized touch. The worker who receives that call must be prepared for any temperamental scenario of that client. From a person uncomfortable with the service to a very angry customer asking for an immediate departure from the company.
The timing of payment is key. In many cases, customers are lost because there is a minimum amount to pay by card, large bills are not accepted or because they do not have a POS. Facilitating this procedure for the user is a necessary condition for them to leave your store with a good taste in their mouth.
Nowadays, customers are used to the fact that in any establishment they can try the product for a few days and if it doesn't convince them for whatever reason, they have no impediment when it comes to returning or exchanging it.
Here is that tense moment for both sides. Let's imagine that you have a car insurance space and the time has come to renew it. There comes the dilemma of whether or not to remain in the company. Here, the emotions and values that the company has managed to transmit to its customers come into play. If the insurance company has done its job well, there will be fewer requests to change companies and users will be more likely to renew their policy.
Another important stage in a customer's journey is the time to use the product for the first time. Here, automotive companies have to be especially careful, since if the customer can vanish in seconds due to a bad experience at that time.
Last contact
A last smile, a “thank you for coming” or a simple pleasant message at the checkout of an ecommerce, is a last positive reinforcement to end the interaction. That last emotion is the one that the customer carries with them.

Disney case
To conclude, I would like to mention the king of experiences such as Disney, to illustrate the true importance of knowing how to react to emotionally charged scenarios. All workers dAnd Disney know the importance of taking care of each and every little detail in interactions with their customers. On one occasion, a company worker (specifically a security guard) saw one of the children in the park fall to the ground and hurt himself.
What do you think his reaction was? Did you just treat the child and heal the wound with the help of a doctor? Something similar: he asked the boy what his favorite Disney character was and the boy answered that Mickey was. The security guard told one of his companions to disguise himself as this character and take care of the boy. And all this process in a matter of a few minutes. The boy was taken to the infirmary by his favorite character. Personalization of the experience and a wow moment that has probably marked parents and that child for the rest of their lives.
A moment as critical as a child crying in the middle of the room and how this isolated incident is managed makes a difference in the long term.
If you need us to help manage and minimize these moments of pain in your company, you can write to us at this form and we'll be happy to help you with your challenges 😉