Managing the customer experience is becoming increasingly complex in such a competitive market. Working to align the emotions of your customers with your company's strategy involves a part of science and another part of art that you need to manage and work on an ongoing basis. In order to work on this, we will be sharing during this article about the science or methodology of how the touchpoints of Customer Journey they can help you do this.
Nowadays, there are many experts using and working with touchpoints as a tool in a different way, so we can find multiple definitions and uses, this is very good news because if many people use it, they mean that they provide value in organizations, and all of them are valid, each of them normally adapted to their field of management.
What is a Touchpoint?
From the perspective of experience management, we can understand a touchpoint as a Moment that a stakeholder is living (audience of interest to a company) in the relationship with a company, whether or not you have direct contact with her, can usually also be used with the interaction name. These touchpoints form a sequence in the relationship with a brand where the sum of the different emotions experienced generates an experience with it.
Therefore, these touchpoints become a key tool for managing emotions that generates your brand or company, where we highlight as the most important benefit the Alignment between brand strategy and generated emotions; they allow you to design and work on the different moments, promoting your strategy and generating the objective emotions in your client. You can't really manage the emotions of your customers, often not even they can, what you can manage, are the touchpoints to seek to generate the emotion you want as a company.
Before Touching the Touchpoints...
It exists an indispensable requirement to work with touchpoints: understand and design them from the point of view of the stakeholder you want to work with, whether it's a customer, an employee, a supplier. Touchpoints can always have a direct or indirect relationship with your brand if they come along the way to solve your need and they are all important when it comes to managing experiences. Normally, it's easier to delight a stakeholder when you design touchpoints where as a brand you don't expect them to participate in management.
For example, let's think about the banking sector, a customer's first touchpoint when they are going to take out a mortgage is not when they enter a branch or when they go to the web to see the product, but it is when the customer's need arises. Something changes in his life that he generates is detonating the first touchpoint.
Another where the company is not directly involved is when a person Do you need a mortgage loan, during this journey to resolve your need, you have to collect documentation to submit to the bank in different agencies. For example, you need payroll or work life, this is a key touchpoint where we can work as a company, empower ourselves from the situation and make the client experience better emotions, or we can choose the position of saying, “that's not my responsibility” and leaving the management of our clients' touchpoints in the hands of others.

Benefits of Knowing Your Customers' Touchpoints
Generas empatía: It will help you to put yourself at the feet of the stakeholder, to experience from their perspective what they are feeling and to understand their emotions
You focus on the value generated and not so much on the action: When you redesign a touchpoint, it helps you to know that the stakeholder is living differently, and not only that, to focus on how the company has changed its processes or systems.
Simplicity: It allows you to work in an orderly and disciplined way with a clear operational work scheme that helps you generate better experiences, you don't need to have a great deal of preparation to understand what the stakeholder is experiencing and how to improve it.
If we navigate through different sectors, we can see how many companies are working to manage their touchpoints to generate emotions from the stakeholder's point of view:
Banking sector: BBVA Valora helps you manage that moment in the lives of people who are not experts in real estate and don't know how much their home may be worth, helping you to figure this out and giving you an estimate. Not only that, but you can also search for your new home, whether it's a rental or a purchase, and connect you with other sellers.
Hotel and restaurant sector: Starbucks redesigned a customer's touchpoint when they go to one of its coffee shops, making it easier in the app when you search for the nearest coffee shop, to request an Uber to take you to it.
Entertainment sector: How Netflix redesigns the experience of its customers when they end their month of free trial of the platform, instead of waiting like many companies when the customer sees that they have been charged for the first month without remembering it and generates negative emotions. Netflix 3 days before the end of your trial period, it sends you an email reminding you that it will end and you will receive your first bill, in case you don't want to continue with the service you can cancel your subscription.
With all this, I hope you are looking forward to getting to work, knowing and drawing all the touchpoints, establishing the objective and the route you want to follow, but don't forget you need to know the touchpoints from the point of view of your stakeholder, for this, it is essential that you involve them and be able to work with them firsthand.