We could say that the sense of humor, It is the least common of all the senses inside an office of a large corporation. The atmosphere of most of them always invites that typical serious and boring professionalism. The word “efficiency” has become the mantra of all companies today. However, Efficiency is not synonymous with effectiveness. The question is: why has it come to this?
A lack of humor at work is one of the main reasons that leads to stress. We've all experienced stress at some point in our working lives and we know it firsthand the very negative effects it has on our daily performance. What good would have been a touch of humor to get through that bad drink in a more pleasant way, right?
5 Benefits of a Sense of Humor at Work

1. Teamwork: Individual and Collective Motivation
A very efficient and fast way to build a team in a company is to create a pleasant and fun environment that promote the interaction and communication of individuals. In short: build trust so that each person shows themselves as they are and this allows everyone to better empathize with others without barriers to entry.
Motivation is one of the main keys to business management. We want our employees not only to stay in their position, but also to live the experience of working with enthusiasm, enthusiasm and enthusiasm. The compensation, promotions, learning and benefits that the company provides to workers are the crucial aspects.

2. Reduces Stress and Boosts Health
The simple act of laughing generates a biochemical bomb inside our body. Laughter promotes brain oxygenation and releases an enormous amount of endorphins that cause an immediate sense of well-being. In short, from a chemical and hormonal point of view, we are a little happier temporarily.
A happy worker is much more productive than a stressed one. Hence the great importance that the inclusion of Employee Experience in large companies as a measure of long-term growth.

3. Increase the Quality of Human Capital
Did you know that people who use a sense of humor at work are more productive, happier, better paid and have less stress? To give a series of more tangible examples:
- 83% of Americans feel stressed at work.
- 55% are not satisfied with their current job.
- 47% struggle to stay happy in their position.
Taking this data into account, 1 in 2 workers are not happy at work, which is very worrying for companies. This causes lower earnings per worker, which has a direct impact on a company's profit and loss account. This in the long run creates a precarious situation in the face of new additions that want to be made in the company, since there will be no incentive to hire new workers.
4. Encourages Learning
There are no boring jobs, but there are boring people. It all depends on the approach that those responsible in charge want to show to the people around them. Imagine that you are new to a company and you have to spend a whole week doing Job Shadowing with your new partner. Your level of attention will be higher the more motivated the person who is training you. It's not the same thing that they tell you things in a boring tone or that they tell you as a story full of emotions.
La Astonishing predisposition of the brain to fun and entertaining. Today's generations can't keep their attention on a boring YouTube video. Can you imagine that same principle within the work? It can't be. We must take action on the matter and have the responsibility to create a work environment with a healthy sense of humor, without leading to comedy, of course. The lessons will be better learned and much faster if we give them a fun and enjoyable touch.

5. Creative Mode On!
Can you imagine that your Product Manager would give you a fun nickname for the meetings and that each session had humorous terminology? The meetings would be very different, right? Changing such aspects of everyday life greatly favors the trust between team members.
By achieving a higher level of trust among the workers of a company, a optimal climate that favors creativity, companionship, the generation of new and better ideas. Apart from a greater likelihood of camaraderie within the work unit as a result of this clean atmosphere.
Finally, I couldn't miss this magnificent video of a Ted talk about sense of humor at work: