With regard to the great discussion that has arisen over the decision to leave UBER from the country due to a legal resolution, I want to state what, from my point of view, is the real reason why this type of transport platform was created.
The taxi drivers' guild has had Huge advantage, in most countries, of having regulations and laws that guarantee their conditions, and it is perhaps, for that reason, that he did not understand the major trends that are revolutionizing the world today; the provision of services, the digital transformation And the customer experience.
Customers are tired of being subject to company rules and regulations, we want to be treated in a unique way and to be able to choose those organizations that understand our needs, and adapt to what, for me, is important “to take care of our time and generate a positive impact on our emotions”.

Taxis vs Uber- Juan E. Drault- Medium
“Customers are tired of being subject to company rules and regulations, we want to be treated in a unique way and to be able to choose those organizations that understand our needs”
The Business Model
Taking this into account, you could easily deduce that the traditional model used by taxis does not take these aspects into account, and therefore it faces serious difficulties in the provision of the service, the quality of the vehicles, the pricing scheme and technological innovation. Even though you can count on members who try to do their job well, the flaws are so obvious that they make way for new business models that are more in line with the demands of today's consumer.
This is why when a Startup they find this opportunity in the market, they understand the concept of collaborative economy, combining with the available technological solutions, with the customer as their main focus. Thus completely changing the individual passenger transport industry and putting a solid and traditional business to “falter”.
They understood that for customers it is important to know the driver, to rate the service, to know how long it will arrive, what the route is, a vehicle in good condition, and to have competitive rates differentiated according to the time and destination. In digital matters, they know that the service must be able to be requested easily and simply from the cell phone, providing multiple means of payment through the combination of mobile technology, georeferencing, electronic gateways and multiple other technological solutions.
The great fundamental reflection is: if I have not yet adapted these trends from my company, what can the future of my business be? If I continue to provide a service that is not aligned with a positive impact on the experience of my customers, without using the available digital tools, will I continue to be as competitive as it is today?
Although it seems incredible to us, many companies still don't understand that this new digital era has arrived!